Each month the Parish Council produce a Finance Report which can be found in Council Meetings under each meeting 'Additional Documents'.
The Parish Council has reluctantly agreed to increase the annual Precept from £15,000 to £16,000 from 1st April 2024. The Precept has been unchanged at £15,000 since 1st April 2020. Since then the Council has carefully managed its day to day spending so that it has more or less matched its income. For the coming year to 31st March 2025, due to anticipated increases in costs, this will not be possible without increasing the Precept.
Year on Year Budget/Precept
Notice of Public Rights 2023/24
Annual Return 2023/24 - Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements
Bank Reconciliation 2023/24
Variances 2023/24 (including Receipts Variances and Payments Variances Explanation Required)
Budget/Precept 2023/24
Expenditure Over £100 2023/24
External Auditor Report & Certificate 2023/24
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023/24
Loders Parish Council Assets 2023/24
Notice of Public Rights 2022/23
Annual Return 2022/23 - Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements
Bank Reconciliation 2022/23
Variances 2022/23 (including Receipt Variances Explanation Required)
Budget/Precept 2022/23
Expenditure Over £100 2022/23
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2022/23
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022/23
Loders Parish Council Assets 2022/23
Notice of Public Rights 2021/22
Annual Return 2021/22 Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements
Bank Reconciliation 2021/22
Variances 2021/22
Budget/Precept 2021/22
Expenditure over £100 2021/22
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021/22
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021/22
Loders Parish Council Assets 2021/22
Notice of Public Rights 2020/21
Annual Return 2020/21 - Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements
Bank Reconciliation 2020/21
Variances 2020/21
Budget/Precept 2020/21
Expenditure over £100 2020/21
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2020/21
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020/21
Loders Parish Council Assets 2020/21
Notice of Public Rights 2019/20
Annual Return 2019/20 - Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements
Bank Reconciliation 2019/20
Variances 2019/20
Budget/Precept 2019/20
Expenditure over £100 2019/20
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/20
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2019/20
Loders Parish Council Assets 2019/20
Notice of Public Rights 2018/19
Annual Return 2018/19
Bank Reconciliation 2018/19
Variances 2018/19
Budget/Precept 2018/19
Expenditure over £100 2018/19
External Auditor Report & Certificate 2018/19
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2018/19
Loders Parish Council Assets 2018/19